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8 Signs Your Partner May Have Low T (And How To Talk About It)

Written By: Biote
Last Updated: Aug. 22, 2022

Low testosterone is very common as men age. In fact, low T affects roughly 40% of all men over the age of 45.

So, what is low testosterone and why does it matter?

Testosterone is a hormone that’s produced in the gonads and helps regulate many bodily functions and processes. In men, testosterone affects their physical appearance, sex drive, muscle mass, bone density, and body hair. It also helps regulate mood, cholesterol, and insulin levels. As a result, an imbalance of testosterone can greatly impact a man’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It can also affect their sex drive and, ultimately, your love life.

If you’ve noticed a few changes in your man, this article is for you.

8 Possible Symptoms of Low T

Here are some tell-tale signs the man in your life may be dealing with low testosterone.

1.  His sex drive is low.

Think for a minute. When was the last time the two of you were intimate? If it’s been a while, think about the reasons why. Stress, illness, or injury are common reasons for a temporarily decreased libido. A low sex drive that’s not linked to one of those may indicate something more serious is going on.

Testosterone plays a crucial role in a man’s sex drive and low testosterone can greatly impact his desire to have sex. Dry spells are common in long-term relationships. But, if your dry spell has lasted for a prolonged period, it could be due to low T.

2. He’s experiencing problems getting and maintaining an erection.

This one is very noticeable but particularly hard for men. According to WebMD, nearly 70% of men with erectile dysfunction (ED) feel they’ve let their partner down. They also report feelings of embarrassment and self-consciousness.

Testosterone helps men achieve and maintain erections. Low levels of testosterone may make it difficult for your partner to achieve an erection. If your partner is experiencing erectile problems, it could be due to low T.

3.  He’s tired all the time.

Has your own personal superhero suddenly turned into a couch potato? Is he dozing during his Zoom meetings? Has he lost motivation to complete some of his favorite chores like mowing the lawn or grilling? And he’s not stressed or ill? It could indicate a hormonal imbalance.

Men with low T often report decreased energy and fatigue. If the man in your life gets plenty of sleep but still struggles to make it through the day, he may have low T.

4. His Popeye arms have turned into Olive Oil arms.

Testosterone helps men build and maintain muscle mass. Here’s how. Testosterone encourage tissue growth and helps cause protein synthesis. It also increases the levels of growth hormone in the body. That’s why it’s much easier for men to build and maintain muscle than women.

So, if your man’s muscles have suddenly gone to mush, it could be due to low T.

5.  He’s gained a spare tire.

Yes, everyone’s metabolism slows with age. But this is different. If you notice your man only seems to be gaining it around his midsection, it could indicate a problem.

Studies show men with low testosterone often experience increased body fat around their abdomen than those with normal levels of testosterone. If the man in your life has put on weight primarily around his midsection, he may have low T.

6. His mood seems like it’s on a rollercoaster.

Testosterone influences many bodily functions and processes. When it’s out of balance, it can greatly impact a man’s mood. If you’ve noticed your partner is more irritable, moody, or even depressed, but not stressed or ill, it could be because he has low testosterone.

7. He’s having a hard time concentrating.

You used to ask him where you put your phone down and now, he’s asking you where he put the keys. Studies have shown low testosterone levels may be associated with poorer cognitive function.

If your man was once sharp as a tack and now struggles to concentrate, it could be a sign of low testosterone.

8.  He’s gotten shorter.

Your man used to be 6 feet tall but now he’s standing at 5 foot 10 inches, on a good day. On top of that, his once perfect posture has turned into a stoop. That’s an indication that he has low bone density.

That’s right! Women aren’t the only ones who can experience decreased bone mass. Testosterone helps produce and strengthen bone tissue. Men with low testosterone can have lower bone volume than those with normal testosterone levels.

So, if your man has elevated blood sugar levels, it may be connected to low T.

How to Talk to Your Partner about Low T

Talking to your partner about your concern for their health is never easy. It’s an especially delicate situation when the issue may be impacting your love life and relationship. However, these conversations are necessary to get them back to feeling their best. Use the tips below to help you talk to your partner about low T.

Determine the goal for your conversation.

Let’s be real for a minute. Difficult conversations are never easy to have with our partners. Take some time to really think about the goal for your conversation before you have it with him. Understand that your partner may think that nothing is wrong and could get offended. Keeping this in mind and figuring out your goal for the conversation before you have it helps ensure the conversation is productive. Your goal for this conversation shouldn’t be to convince them they need help. It should be to express your concerns, share how their symptoms are impacting your relationship, and work together to find a solution.

Choose your time and approach wisely.

No one likes hearing the words, “We need to talk.” Men least of all. Choose a time and an approach that’s non-threatening. Most psychologist recommend having these conversations during times when you usually talk about things. This could be during your regular dinner conversation or on a walk or other normal daily activity.

Be sure to use concrete examples and “I” statements so the conversation isn’t threatening. For example, you may start the conversation with, “I’ve noticed lately that you’re more tired than normal and get irritated easily. That’s not like you at all. I’m worried it could be due to a hormone imbalance. Can we talk about it for a minute?”

Do your research.

The purpose for this tip is twofold. One, it will help you prepare for the conversation. Two, it ensures you’ll be able to approach the topic from a rational rather than emotional perspective. Men tend to respond better when we approach sensitive topics from a logical place. As a result, they’ll be more receptive to the conversation.

Take some time to really think about the signs of low T your partner is exhibiting and how they’re impacting your relationship. Write them down. Then, research potential treatment options so you’re ready to answer any questions your partner asks.

Be honest and empathetic.

It’s never easy to hear that a loved one feels something is wrong or off. Be honest with your partner about how his symptoms are impacting your relationship while also being empathetic. Many men react negatively when they’re diagnosed with low T. They feel as though they’ve done something to cause it, even though it’s part of the normal aging process. Keep this in mind and be sure you’re empathetic throughout the conversation.

Listen as much as you talk.

Communication is a two-way street. Give your partner the chance to respond to your concerns and ask questions. Reiterate what they say so they know you’ve heard them. Ask clarifying questions to better understand their point of view.

Respect your partner’s decision.

At the end of the day, it’s up to your partner to decide whether they want to see a doctor about low T. It may be disheartening if they aren’t ready to get help. Respect their decision and see if they’re willing have the conversation again when they’ve had time to do their own research.

Conclusion:  So, you think your man has low T. Now what?

You have a few options. You can say and do nothing – just know that nothing will change in your relationship and the low T won’t resolve on its own. Or, you can use the advice above to talk to the man in your life about your concerns and get him connected to a Biote Certified Provider near him to evaluate his T levels. Share the stories of other men who have had life-changing results with the Biote method of bioidentical hormone optimization.


Take the first step on your hormone optimization journey today.