Please ensure Javascript is enabled for purposes of website accessibility Biote Provider | Biote® Hormone Replacement Therapy at 252 Whittington Pkwy in Louisville KY 40222
Map Marker252 Whittington Pkwy, Louisville, KY, 40222
Certified Provider


Optimal Renew at The Pain Institute

Louisville KY 40222 Hormone Replacement Therapy
At This Location: DO
Serving: Women, Men
Nutraceuticals: Yes

Every day, millions of people experience a hormone imbalance. From fatigue and weight gain to severe mood changes and low libido, many are left with feelings of discomfort, unaware of how they may help alleviate these common issues. As your Biote Provider in Louisville KY 40222, we specialize in addressing these and other early indicators of aging through precision and personalized patient care plans that seek to optimize your hormones and extend patient healthspan.

The Biote Method of bioidentical hormone optimization therapy is offered here at your Louisville KY 40222 clinic. Helping men and women feel and look their best through bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is our mission. To learn how the Biote Method may be able to address specific health issues by restoring hormones to their optimal level, reach out to us and schedule a consultation today.

Shiloh Stocksdale, APRN

Class president graduating from Spalding University in Louisville, Kentucky, in 2006 with her Master of Science in Nursing Family Nurse Practitioner Program

Mrs. Stocksdale received her undergraduate degrees from Ivy Tech in Sellersburg, Indiana in 2000 and Indiana University Southeast in New Albany, Indiana in 2004.

She was awarded the prestigious Mother Catherine Spalding Leadership Award and was nominated for the Vickie Bohannon Owsley Advanced Nursing Practice Award and was the recipient of the Sigma Theta Tau International Gamma Research Award and inducted dual membership into the Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society and Alpha Chapters.

Professional affiliations include but not limited to : American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians (ASIPP), American Nursing Association, Kentucky Nursing Association, Kentucky Coalition Nurse Practitioner and Nurse Midwives, Indiana Nurse Practitioner Association and Veteran Caucus of the AAPA.

Mrs. Stocksdale is a BioTe Hormone Replacement Certified Provider and is certified in Botox and Facial Fillers. She has received advanced education and was provided with the American Association of Allied Interventional Pain Management Professionals Associate Certification in Controlled Substance Management No. 1674. She also holds a national certification with the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners and is licensed in both Kentucky and Indiana as an Advanced Practice Nurse.

Michael Cronen, DO

Dr. Cronen (pronounced Crow-nen) is board-certified in both Anesthesia and Pain Management with over 30 years of experience. A graduate of the Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences College of Osteopathic Medicine, Dr. Cronen is now affiliated with The Pain Institute, Physicians’ Medical Center in New Albany and King’s Daughters’ Hospital in Madison.

Konrad Kijewski, MD

Dr. Kijewski (pronounced Key-ev-ski) is board-certified in both Anesthesia and Pain Management with more than 15 years of experience. A graduate of the University of the Witwatersrand Medical School in Johannesburg, South Africa, Dr. Kijewski is now affiliated with The Pain Institute and Physicians’ Medical Center in New Albany.